
If you’re new, thanks for visiting. Start with these posts to get the gist of the blog and links to serial posts in one convenient location.

UNLESS: What is your truffula seed? (inaugural post)

Why bother being a scientist?

Superhero Ph.D.: Thrilling adventures in academia

Science, Pandas and Kung Fu: Interesting intersections of ideas

The Rules of Biochemistry and The Molecular Biology Code: Essentials for the practice of science

Two Tales of a Manuscript: There’s always another story behind the science.

A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Scientific Manuscripts

Holiday Plants: Whether you notice them or not, plants are integral to our holidays. Follow this link to my posts about the plants and plant science behind our cultural traditions.

Frozen: A Plant Science Parody: Undergraduate plant physiology to the tunes your toddlers know!

By The NumbersSometimes I crunch the numbers for you

What scientists want from you: A New Social Contract


Contract Terms:

Our best people


A long-term investment

Communicating updates

Science is hard

Science literacy

Possible solutions (coming eventually)

Respectful dialogue (coming eventually)

Re-evaluation (coming eventually)

Research Ethics (coming eventually)

Also check out the Obligations of Scientists series on the Doing Good Science blog at SciAm

GMOs: A Discussion

  1. Preface
  2. The GMO numbers
  3. The science behind making GMO plants
  4. Currently cultivated GMOs and Future Potential
  5. Golden Rice
  6. A Plant Scientist’s View of Genetic Engineering
  7. The Business of GM Crops
  8. Issues of intellectual property protection for GMOs (coming eventually)
  9. Regulation of GMOs: Testing and Approval (coming eventually)
  10. Environmental Impacts of GM Crop Cultivation (coming eventually)
  11. GMO labeling (coming eventually)
  12. GMOs as part of our modern food system (coming eventually)
  13. Other agricultural biotech issues (coming eventually)
  14. Links for GMOs and Food Issues

GMO-related polls from posts above