
Is there really nothing new under the sun?

While the world appears to continue on as it always has, new scientific discoveries occur on a daily basis. In this respect, there are a multitude of new things to us as humans. Unfortunately, these revelations often go unnoticed and are under-appreciated because they are not widely available and presented in a broader context, making them as meaningless as chasing after the wind.

The main goal of this blog is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research by specialists and the public. As a scientist, my ideals compel me to share these novel insights in a way such that they are understandable and valuable to a general audience.

Here you will be able to find information about what is new under the sun. Primarily, the content will focus on all things green: from pond scum to plants, energy, agriculture, conservation and sustainability. However, current events and other special interests may skew the content elsewhere.

Because it is also important for scientists to stay in tune with the needs and interests of society, I hope to open a general discussion on the way science is done and the role of science in society. In this spirit, posts about science education, funding, employment, policy, and intellectual property will also be featured.

Comments are always welcome.

Here’s a guide to the main sections on the home page menu…

Highlights: A collection of my favorite or representative posts, includes serial posts. Start reading here if you are new.

Resources: Useful links for citizens, scientists and citizen scientists alike

The Basics: What you need to know (and more!) about photosynthesis, plant biology and other photosynthetic organisms.

By the Numbers: A series of posts focused on relevant statistics and data on important issues covered by this blog.

Journal Club: Posts of recent scientific articles on plants, photosynthesis, energy, agriculture etc. Includes detailed breakdown of scientific method used, further questions and implications.

Blogger: Johnna L. Roose: All about me!

My Research: All about my science!

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